Thursday, April 9, 2020

Legends of Gath #17; Talk to me, Goose

The opening scene from Apocalypse Now where Capt. Willard goes nuts in his hotel room in Saigon is making more sense to me as I enter my fourth week of working from home.

     PS: Never get out of the boat.


  1. If you have a PC who normally has 1 attack would you give them 3 attacks with the 9mm or just 1?

    1. I would give the PC three attacks. It's like the short bow in some version of D&D that has a RoF of 2. I was thinking about a penalty for each shot after the first, though.

      FREX: The first round is unmodified, the second suffers -1 and the third -3. When I used to spend time at the range I practiced this drill where I would try to place two rounds in center mass, then a third in the head. The second round was always a bit off, but the third round was hard to keep on target unless I paused between rounds 2 and three.

      I hope all is well in the Canadian Quarantine Zone

    2. We're locked down here and there are fewer mutants wandering the streets than previous weeks. I'm going to need to gear up and go scavenging for supplies in the next few days though.

  2. Enjoying the Gath series. I had a look through the older posts- was there ever a background/briefing type post on Gath, or are we just discovering through exploring?

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by. I wish I had a plan, but I have none. I'm just sort of scribbling through my notebook, making it up as I go. The original entries a few years back were designed to be brief, 15-20 minute encounters to be played on Google Hangouts as a fun, every few day check-in.

    2. Ah that makes sense, no need for background, just pick up & play. A cool variety of random encounters & hex fillers for that post-apoc campaign. Keep it up.

  3. Well-written. I can see the skeleton sitting there.

    1. Thanks! It's nice to dress the place up a bit with skeletal remains. :)

  4. Loving these Christian, great work!

    1. Thank you, my friend. It's therapeutic in a way to express my plague-related feelings through gaming. :)

  5. Great to see Gath again, I loved our Google+ sessions back in the day.

    1. Thanks, Bill! I've even been drawing the letters and numbers on the map as an homage to those online gaming days. :)
